
Two-Dimensional Couple

2/58 A force F 60 N acts along the line AB. Determine the equivalent force–couple system at point C.

2/59 The top view of a revolving entrance door is shown. Two persons simultaneously approach the door and exert force of equal magnitudes as shown. If the resulting moment about the door pivot axis at O is 25N.m, determine the force magnitude F.

2/60 The indicated force–couple system is applied to a small shaft at the center of the plate. Replace this
system by a single force and specify the coordinate of the point on the
x-axis through which the line of action of this resultant force passes.

2/61 The bracket is spot welded to the end of the shaft at point O. To show the effect of the 900-N force on the weld, replace the force by its equivalent of a force and couple M at O. Express M in vector notation.

2/62 As part of a test, the two aircraft engines are revved up and the propeller pitches are adjusted so as to result in the fore and aft thrusts shown. What force must be exerted by the ground on each of the main braked wheels at A and B to counteract the turning effect of the two propeller thrusts? Neglect any effects of the nose wheel C, which is turned 90 and un-braked.

2/63 Replace the 10-kN force acting on the steel column by an equivalent force–couple system at point O. This replacement is frequently done in the design of structures.

2/64 Each propeller of the twin-screw ship develops a full-speed thrust of 300kN. In maneuvering the ship, one propeller is turning full speed ahead and the other full speed in reverse. What thrust P must each tug exert on the ship to counteract the effect of the ship’s propellers?

2/65 A lug wrench is used to tighten a square-head bolt. If 250-N forces are applied to the wrench as shown, determine the magnitude F of the equal forces exerted on the four contact points on the 25-mm bolt head so that their external effect on the bolt is equivalent to that of the two 250-N forces. Assume that the forces are perpendicular to the flats of the bolt head.

2/66 During a steady right turn, a person exerts the forces shown on the steering wheel. Note that each force consists of a tangential component and a radially-inward component. Determine the moment exerted about the steering column at O.

2/67 The 180-N force is applied to the end of body OAB. If Î¸ = 50°, determine the equivalent force–couple system at the shaft axis O.

2/68 A force F of magnitude 50 N is exerted on the automobile parking-brake lever at the position x=250 mm. Replace the force by an equivalent force–couple system at the pivot point O.

2/69 The tie-rod AB exerts the 250-N force on the steering knuckle AO as shown. Replace this force by an equivalent force–couple system at O.

2/70 The combined drive wheels of a front-wheel-drive automobile are acted on by a 7000-N normal reaction force and a friction force F, both of which are exerted by the road surface. If it is known that the resultant of these two forces makes a 15 angle with the vertical, determine the equivalent force–couple system at the car mass center G. Treat this as a two-dimensional problem.

2/71 The system consisting of the bar OA, two identical pulleys, and a section of thin tape is subjected to the two 180-N tensile forces shown in the figure. Determine the equivalent force–couple system at point O.

2/72 Calculate the moment MB of the 900-N force about the bolt at B. Simplify your work by first replacing the force by its equivalent force–couple system at A.

2/73 The bracket is fastened to the girder by means of the two rivets A and B and supports the 2-kN force. Replace this force by a force acting along the centerline between the rivets and a couple. Then redistribute this force and couple by replacing it by two forces, one at A and the other at B, and ascertain the forces supported by the rivets.

2/74 The angle plate is subjected to the two 250-N forces shown. It is desired to replace these forces by an equivalent set consisting of the 200-N force applied at A and a second force applied at B. Determine the y-coordinate of B.

2/75 The weld at O can support a maximum of 2500 N of force along each of the n- and t-directions and a maximum of 1400 of moment. Determine the allowable range for the direction of the 2700-N force applied at A. The angle Î¸ is restricted to 0 ≤ Î¸ ≤ 90.

2/76 The device shown is a part of an automobile seatback-release mechanism. The part is subjected to the 4-N force exerted at A and a restoring moment exerted by a hidden torsional spring. Determine the y-intercept of the line of action of the single equivalent force.

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